19 games!!
We did it again - thank you for all participants and visitors! We really enjoyed jamming with you!
23774 jammers in 488 jam sites located in 72 countries participated in Global Game Jam 2014. Hong Kong was 37th biggest among these locations with 113 jammers creating 19 games at Cyberport over the past weekend. During the 48-hour jam, a global theme was announced, teams formed and full game development cycle completed from ideation to testing including art design, programming, game design, sound design, user interface design and testing. This year's theme was an exciting quote from Anaïs Nin: "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."
The event lead to a two-hour award ceremony during which five sponsors handed out prizes for some of the notable and particularly productive teams.

While most of the jam participants were students, a team of professional game developers won the 'Solid Piece' award with their well-implemented 'Asceticism' with humorous 'clueless items' selection mechanic and beautiful graphics. The game 'Lie in Line' was recognised for its strong visual appeal. According to its developers: "Line is not line, and it tells lie hidden inside. Our game is offering you with mass of lines, and invite you to discover romantic images within them." Finally, 'Future Foundations' award was handed to 'Zombie Park' which is specifically designed for hearing and visually impaired players.
The games 'War War' and 'Odyssey' received special mentions for their innovative aspects. In War War, the player faces a new challenge of killing their character in each level thus reversing the typical game goal of staying alive as long as possible. Odyssey, meanwhile, translates world's oldest console game system Magnavox Odyssey for iPad using viewfoils on top of the screen creating new games with a physical extension.
The games 'War War' and 'Odyssey' received special mentions for their innovative aspects. In War War, the player faces a new challenge of killing their character in each level thus reversing the typical game goal of staying alive as long as possible. Odyssey, meanwhile, translates world's oldest console game system Magnavox Odyssey for iPad using viewfoils on top of the screen creating new games with a physical extension.
The event in Hong Kong was organised by School of Design of Hong Kong Polytechnic University together with Cyberport. We would like to thank City University of Hong Kong, SCAD, IVE and the Chinese University of Hong Kong for supporting the event. We were happy to have Hong Kong Game Development Association, International Game Developers Association, Hong Kong Digital Game-based Learning Association and Hong Kong Maker Club as event partners. Finally, the generous support of OutBlaze, Grandtech, Unity, BlackBerry, OtterBox, 6 Waves and Hong Kong Freelancers Network made this event more encouraging for participants to aim for some of the great prizes. Thank you!
'All games created during the GGJHK, together with illustrations, are available here. For more photos, check out our Facebook page.
Thank you for our student volunteers for helping out while also working on your own games!
We hope to see you again in 2015,
Hanna, Almo, Aidan, Ayesha and Cord
Category: 2014, GGJ, GGJ2014, Global Game Jam, News, results, thank you