

ParticleEditor updates

Unknown | 12:54 AM |

Hey! Today I'm sharing the results of the last two weeks of work on the ParticleEditor with you. I've had loads of time for additions and improvements -- I'm just gonna go over the most notable ones briefly:

  • Live update of particles: No more resetting the whole particle system to see the effect that little parameter you changed actually has!
  • Control of the update speed: Something looks weird but you can't spot what it is? Just slow the whole thing down. Works everytime.
  • Easing functions for fading values: We don't have tweakable curve controls just yet, but these work like a charm in the meantime. 
  • Helper graphs: A really nice addition so you can preview how fades are going to work. Together with easing functions, a slider and the live update, this is fun just to play around with.
Of course, a little video works way better than words for showing these off, so here it is:

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