

Adobe gives workshop on Creative Cloud

Unknown | 9:56 PM |

As part of the official program for Global Game Jam Hong Kong, we have invited Adobe Creative Cloud to give a special workshop for participating jammers. Adobe Creative Cloud is one of the main sponsors of GGJ HK. The workshop will take place as part of the opening of GGJ HK January 23rd at 6pm immediately before registration and will be followed by the theme announcement and official opening.

You can read more about the session here as well as the prerequisite for attendees.

How Adobe will take you to the next level of game production and visual design

Time and date: 6pm, January 23rd 2015
Place: Training Room 1-3, Level 3, Core F, Cybeport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport Hong Kong

Ernest Wong - Adobe Creative Solutions Consultant – Hong Kong and Taiwan

The Adobe Game Developer Tools include a complete Game Development Guide, Flex Builder and Flash Professional to build the games, the Adobe Gaming SDK with Native Extensions for iOS, Android Mac and Windows, Stage3D to make immersive 3D games, Flash C++ Compiler, Adobe Scout for profiling and optimisation, Flash Player, AIR and PhoneGap for publishing, Starling GPU libraries for incredible rendering speed, Feathers for UI, and support for Away3D, Crossbridge, Zest3D, Flare3D, EasyAGAL, Alternativa3D, Mixamo, Minko and Gamebuilder Studio.

The latest release of Adobe Creative Cloud provides new, connected Creative Cloud apps and services you need to create amazing work across desktop and mobile devices. No matter you are an artists or game development professionals you will have a wider range of software from which to choose, expanding your creative repertoire, and enriching your game presentation.

Attendees at the workshop are advised to install Creative Cloud apps trial version and Game SDK by visiting the below link. They will be asked for an Adobe ID for which they can apply before downloading any software.


Adobe Creative Cloud are pleased to offer all attendees a limited edition cup cover.

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